Clock running down on Israel’s ability to commit genocide without consequences: activist

TEHRAN – Greta Berlin, a female author, journalist and “activist”, tells the Tehran Times that “I’m extremely hopeful this time that the clock is running down on Israel’s ability to continue to commit genocide without consequences.”
Berlin, the co-founder of the “Free Gaza Movement” who actually organized the very first boat to Gaza in 2008, also says Israel has no alternative other than making Palestine “a state for all citizens.”
Israel can’t continue to marginalize 7 million Palestinians, she predicts.
“Israel will have no choice but to change and become a state for all its citizens. It can’t afford to alienate 7 million Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied territories,” notes Berlin, who is currently based in Nice, France.
Following is the text of the interview:
Q: How do you analyze the recent developments in Palestine?
A: Palestine has been occupied for 73 years. In that time, Christian and Muslim Palestinians have witnessed four major wars; 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 as well as dozens of massacres, from Sabra and Shatila to the current holocaust on Gaza that stopped today (early Friday). Yet, they are still there in the land of their ancestors. They are not going to go away and recent developments haven’t changed their ‘sumud,’ One time, I asked a man from Jerusalem how he could tolerate the oppression and brutality of the Israeli occupation.
“He (Netanyahu) is a menace to the area and should be standing in the docks at The Hague.” “We will remain as the earth remains,” he said. “Palestine will return, if not in my generation, then my children’s generation or their children’s generation. This is something the West does not understand. It’s why we will eventually win.”
Q: Some argue that the recent escalation in Palestine has opened a wide door for a new intifada. What is your comment?
A: An intifada appears to be a possibility. On Tuesday, May 18, most Palestinians in Israel and occupied West Bank went on strike, proving they could bring Israeli construction projects to a standstill. I hope this kind of intifada continues, an economic one, hurting Israel where they hate being hurt…economically
Q: The Supreme Court has voted to evict residents of Sheikh Jarrah. How can such a cruel verdict be issued by those who consider themselves as top judges who should uphold justice?
A: Just because the Israeli Supreme Court is made up of judges does not mean they uphold justice. They don’t. They uphold the white/racist/colonial principles in place since the founding of this rogue state.
Q: Why is most of the world silent on such inhuman acts by the Netanyahu regime?
“The man (Netanyahu) is a vicious sociopath and will do anything he can to stay in power.”A: This time, the world has not been silent. Governments might be silent, even some journalist outlets like CNN and the BBC might be silent or not tell the truth of what is actually happening. But social media has changed the playing field. Just look at the tens of thousands of protestors out on the streets around the world, standing up for the rights of Palestinians. Social media has done that. Grassroots organizing has done that work. Connecting to other initiatives such as “Black Lives Matter” has made the public realize that what happens to American black families in the U.S. is happening to Palestinian families in occupied Palestine. I’m extremely hopeful this time that the clock is running down on Israel’s ability to continue to commit genocide without consequences.
Q: Some political observers argue that public anger against the Israeli regime is widespread inside and outside of occupied territories. What is your opinion?
A: Public anger against Israel is not only widespread in occupied Palestine, it’s widespread in communities across the world. We’re going to see a change, as the younger generations who don’t remember WW II or the founding of Israel as a haven for Jews fades. Young Jews in the U.S. are saying “Not in Our Name” Palestinians are running for office in the U.S. and Europe. And the public no longer believes Israel’s constant whining that they are the victims. Israel will have no choice but to change and become a state for all its citizens. It can’t afford to alienate 7 million Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied territories.
Q: For the first time in decades, it is noticed that the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Arabs of the 1948 territory are rising up against occupation, aggression, and injustice. What does this move indicate?
A: Back in 1968 after Israel had stolen the remaining lands of Palestine, I was working with activists in Chicago trying to craft strategies for returning the land to its rightful owners. A Pakistani professor of international affairs told us one day, “The only way Palestinians are going to return to Palestine is if they line up on the borders of Israel and march home. They may lose 100,000 people, but Israel will be incapable of stopping them.” This is what we are seeing today ad Palestinians marched from Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, some actually crossing the borders into Israel. It’s too soon to tell if the strategy will work, but I am hopeful.
"Israel is beginning to be a pain in the neck."Q: How can developments in Palestine reverberate in countries that have normalized ties with Israel?
A: The Arab countries that normalized ties with Israel under the Trump regime were never at war with Israel and have made these deals for economic reasons. Morocco has made the deal because it was hoping the Republican administration in the U.S. would recognize its occupation of Western Sahara. It’s going to be interesting to see if the Biden administration accepts this ‘quid pro quo' that Trump was offering. None of these countries made the deal with Israel to help Palestinians or to quell the unrest. They did it for the money and for strategic benefits.
Q: Also, some analysts say Netanyahu is resorting to such violent and illegal acts to remain in power because he is facing corruption charges. Your comment please.
A: It’s entirely possible that Netanyahu thought he could save himself from prison as well as remain the prime minister. The man is a vicious sociopath and will do anything he can to stay in power. He is a menace to the area and should be standing in the docks at The Hague and not proselytizing on the floor of the Knesset
Q: Any more comments?
A: I’ve been involved for over 54 years in the search for justice in Palestine. This is the first time I’ve ever seen such an outpouring of support for Palestinians and am encouraged that we’re seeing the end of Israel in its current Apartheid form, but saddened that so many Palestinians and Israelis have died in the process. The major players, U.S./EU/UK/Russia are tiring of the chess game, oil is not the commodity it once was, Iran is not going away ever, and Israel is beginning to be a pain in the neck. Once Israel loses support from the U.S. in particular, the game is over. I look forward to that day and continue to support the social avalanche of support we’ve all seen over the past two weeks.
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